Monday, March 30, 2009

I was coerced into creating this blog by my best friend, Aonya McCruiston. She thinks I have valuable opinions (and I do).


  1. I love you Kati!!!
    This blog will be incredible
    and you'll thank me, I just know it.

  2. I was about to go to bed when I found your blog...and I kind of got sucked into it. It's amazing I had no idea how well you could write! Keep up the good work! -Owen Banks

  3. Dear Caitlin,

    I came across your blog because of my friend Stephen-- he referenced you on his blog. Anyway! Your entry of males in Provo has become famous not only in my household, but among people in my ward (specifically women). Throughout last semester, we were labeling men "X=why" or "sweet bros" etc. Tonight we have some friends from out of town in and were yet again... quoting you. We got on to show and tell and are very sad to see your posts are no longer.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. PS... if you'd be willing to email me that amazing entry, it would be much appreciated!
